Samsung India today announced the launch of the Samsung UltraTouch, a slider touch-screen phone, for the Indian market. According to a press release, the phone is the world’s first 8MP camera phone with AMOLED screen. The phone sports a 7.1 cm AMOLED anti-scratch full touch screen, and has a slim 12.7mm body. The phone also has a 3x4 keypad slider and a brushed metal frame.
The phone’s embedded 8 mega pixel camera comes with dual power LED flash and smile shot mode. The phone also features 3G capability (HSDPA 7.2 Mbps), and a DivX video player. The phone uses Samsung’s TouchWiz interface, and has mobile widgets that can be dragged from the menu bar and placed anywhere on the screen for one-click access.
The Samsung UltraTouch is priced at Rs 27,500.
The phone’s embedded 8 mega pixel camera comes with dual power LED flash and smile shot mode. The phone also features 3G capability (HSDPA 7.2 Mbps), and a DivX video player. The phone uses Samsung’s TouchWiz interface, and has mobile widgets that can be dragged from the menu bar and placed anywhere on the screen for one-click access.
The Samsung UltraTouch is priced at Rs 27,500.